Wow, I can't believe it is week 3 already. To those that have been able to observe the Ramadan fast, well done to you and to those that haven't for some medical reasons or other things. I pray that you all receive the blessings that come with the Ramadan season.
Nigerian Ramadan Food Menu
- This Ramadan menu is a guideline to use when you are stuck with what to eat or what to prepare for Suhoor and after Maghrib.
- The most important thing to remember as you prepare for this year's Ramadan is planning! like I mentioned earlier, this is just a guideline and not to be taken hook, line and sinker and of course, we have to be very realistic in following the menu too.
- If a steady source of electricity is available where you live, prepare ahead by cooking 2-3 different types of soups that can be stored away in the fridge or freezer.
- Try and make some food ahead for suhoor as it helps runs the day smoothly.
- Eat more of proteinous foods as it will keep you fuller for long and always keep well hydrated at the times you are to eat.
- Incorporate vegetables and fruits to your diet at this time to help boost the immune system
Download a free copy My Active Kitchen Ramadan Food Menu Week 3
More Nigerian dishes to try this fasting period
Fish Stir Fry and Boli (Ownyee's Island)
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